Friday, 21 January 2011


Bad news today - so an early post from me.

I've not run yet, but am looking forward to a decent yomp on a new trail with Tom tonight.

But right now, I'm feeling very edgy about a core member of the Local Adventures team, that may hamper our Janathon chances.

The laptop is injured.

Earlier this afternoon, my Explorer went haywire with security warnings, something it's never done before. A call to IT support suggested a full backup and reformat would be required. Backup now complete, it'll have to limp through this weekend, before being collected by courier on Monday, and sent up north. I have reservations as to how well it'll operate until then, let alone what I'm going to do without it for three days, in a world of working from home, Janathon, and self assessment tax returns.

It would be typical of my relationship with technology, if 280 miles of legwork were to amount to nothing due to some internet virus crap.



  1. Bad news indeed, but at least it gives you the excuse to 'invest' in a mac. No nasty viruses!!

  2. Ah... yes a mac is a thing of beauty... hope your technology is back behaving itself soon. And 280 miles!!!!! WOW!!!!!

  3. can you blog from phone, or go to your local library?

  4. Keeping fingers crossed laptop stays "up", as local library may have issue with a jogger wanting to blog at 1am!
    I've set up a mobile blog option from my phone, logging may be trickier - we'll see how we go.
    I will not be beaten by techno-witchery!

  5. Hope you get it sorted... In the worst case scenario I can't see why someone else couldn't log your run(s)...?
